The importance of the taking time off during the holidays


As most of our customers know, CSL will be closed December 23 through December 26 for the Christmas holiday. We’ve made this announcement to our customers through e-blasts, social media and e-mail signatures so they can plan for our departure during this time.

We realize it’s not always possible to take off work during the holiday due to the nature of the job. We are grateful to the hospital personnel, police officers, dispatchers, tow truck drivers, and news anchors who sacrifice their holiday in the name of service.

It seems many still work, even if their job does not require them to be physically present during the holiday. In fact, in 2014, 57 percent of full-time employees worked at some point over their holiday break, mostly checking or answering emails. Nearly half of them spent two hours or more a day, catching up on work. While there is no new data the past two years, we hope 2016 is the year when most unplug because it’s not only a holiday, it’s also a weekend.

As a business owner, Brian LaBine President of CSL understands the temptation to check-in – even on holidays. “But, we value time off and we believe our team deserves a break to spend time with family and enjoy the holiday.  2016 has been an incredible year of growth for CSL, and while we deeply appreciate our customers and the testing they’ve entrusted with us, we also know our employees have gone above and beyond throughout the year – and deserve a well-earned break.”

As Thomas Tusser said, “At Christmas play and make good cheer, for Christmas comes but once a year.” Enjoy the holiday season while it’s here!

Source: CNBC

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